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What could we do to make Hardcover better?
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What could we do to make Hardcover better?

Highlights support and ideally sync from other platforms like Kindle/Kobo/Boox

Replace explore tab with + tab

When I’m opening the app, the main reason is because I have just finished a book or have made progress in a book and I’d like to log it. I find myself having to do a lot of typing and moving around in an unintuitive way to do that. Letterboxd and Twitter and pretty much every other app have conditioned me to expect a “post” button in prominence on the app’s main toolbar but this doesn’t seem available.

I think it would be so much easier to do this if there was simply a + button instead of the Explore button on the bottom window. + indicates to me that I’m ready to log a book, while Explore doesn’t feel defined at all. Like what’s the difference between Exploring and Trending, instinctually? It’s kinda difficult to define. And then when you do go into the Eplore tab, it’s mostly just a bunch of loose FAQ links that just link back to tabs like Home and Trending that are already represented on the main row of UX tabs. It’s so confusing

Undefined reading dates

For previously read books that have no specific dates, instead of showing in the READ section with "Read: [date of entry]", mark it simply as read, without a specific date.

Search in edition list

The edition list can be veeeeery long, can we add a search bar at the top ?

Single Click Profile Navigation

Right now you have to click your profile icon, and then click again to navigate into your profile. Seems like a needless extra click to get somewhere I need to use most times I open the app

Allow custom tag group creation

Based on this attached image from our readers. Apart from the default tag categories (genre, mood, content warning, etc.) allow readers to add their custom groups that show up across all of their books on Hardcover. Potential feature for Supporters, as it’s a power user feature.

Allow Copy-Paste for Tags

When adding a tag for a genre, mood, content warning, or (other) tag, users would either (1) scroll to find a tag, (2) type a tag and click the tag, (3) type a tag and add a comma, or (4?) something else I'm not aware of.

If users could copy and paste a group of tags separated by commas, it'd make adding tags much quicker and easier.

Genres Example: Adventure, Children's Fiction, Fantasy, Fiction, Picture Book

Moods Example: Whimsical, Cute, Charming, Lighthearted, Heartwarming, Nostalgic

Tags Example: Teddy Bear, Stuffed Animals, Toys

Manually entering each tag for a book is a bit time-consuming, especially for series where the tags are very similar 😅

profile banners

there are currently backdrops on user profiles. it would be cool if we were able to customize them

Favorite books showcase
Under Consideration

A slot on your profile to showcase your top 4 favorite books (or maybe up to 8)

Date Calculation Issue

In stats, there is a section called "Pages Read By Year"

If I set a 100-page book to the read dates of 01/01 to 01/01 (Read in 1 day), the page count does not show up in the PRBY section. The expected behaviour is: 100 pages read for 01/01.

If I set it to 01/01 to 01/02 (Read in 2 days), the page count shows up on 01/01 as 50 pages read. The expected behaviour is: 50 pages read for 01/01 and 01/02.

I believe this is an issue of how the tracker calculates the date range. 01/01 to 01/01 is 1 day, but the tracker sees it as 0 days. 01/01 to 01/02 is 2 days, but the tracker sees it as 1 day.

Possible solution #1: Add 1 day to however the tracker calculates the dates

Possible solution #2: Add a feature where you can manually input the number of pages read for a specific day, and not have it be automatically calculated

Possible solution #3: Change the tracker to a monthly count


Update Copyright Year

At the footer / bottom of the website, it says "© 2023" // Consider updating to 2024.

Add Format Option
Under Consideration

It would be nice to be able to have a pull down to choose format within each book edition. I almost exclusively listen to audiobooks now, and I know a lot of other people eead e-books and others favor actual books.

Edit from library screen
In progress

I currently have a lot of books in my library that imported without genres/moods. It takes so long to update this as I have to open Airlist, set to Table View, Select my columns, find a book missing data, select the book, change the data, then start over again to find another. I'd love for my stats to be accurate, but it's a pain to do this one by one.

Search Bar in Lists
In progress

I would love the ability to search for a book within my lists. While I can filter a lot of things, I have to do a lot of scrolling to find something. I can't directly search part of a title or part of an author's name. I think this feature could be really useful in both lists and the main/permanent shelves like TBR, Read, and DNF.

Different covers for same ISBN

For many books, publishers will publish different versions of the book under the same ISBN. Most notable differences are cover art and page counts. Book editions under a specific ISBN should accommodate multiple covers/page counts which the user can select when adding to their lists.

Allow librarians to merge editions
In progress

Many books have duplicate editions, would be helpful to be able to report them to be consolidated like we can for duplicate books.

RSS/ActivityPub for public posts

The ability to follow and share user reviews to outside Hardcover.

Share Link for Any Book

I tried to share a book with someone the other day, and was shocked I couldn’t find a share link to an individual book on hardcover. Not my review - it was a book I’d just started reading. If I’m discussing books with someone and want to share a link, it makes more sense to pull it up on hardcover since it’s already going to be in one of my lists. It then introduces the person to, and the link to buy will pop up from the listing itself instead of defaulting to Amazon (which is how I shared books before).

Field for Book Type (Private Tags?)
Under Consideration

I read physical books, owned and from the library, on Kindle, and occasionally iPad for non-Kindle ebooks. I started to tag books with this status until I realized those were public. What I need is a way to note on a book how I read it (how I read it indicates where my notes are). Private tags seemed like an obvious option for this, since no one else needs to know format. But I need to be able to add this prior to leaving a review - private notes don’t seem like the right place. I’d also love to be able to filter or see reports based on book format, so maybe a new custom field is the way to go here? Open to whatever the team comes up with, just adding what I’d like to be able to do.

Back button for iOS shell

Once in an area I can’t navigate back to previous page. Makes adding books to Prompts, Prompt to book and back navigation difficult. Easy in browser, but difficult in app.

Improve sorting books by title
Under Consideration

Sorting by book title should ignore definite articles ("the") from the beginning of titles. And maybe also indefinite articles ("a", "an").

Import / Sync with Bookbuddy
Under Consideration

I love the ios app bookbuddy and I'm tracking my reads with it. It support CSV, TSV, PDF and HTML exports.

Add by ASIN
Under Consideration

Add ability to import book by Kindle ASIN on the page.

Reader's Journey

Thought I might copy my comment here so it's a bit better organized as I think it might count as a new feature.
This would combine the "Want to Read: WHY?" and "private notes" requests in one.

When you click on "Currently reading" a new option gets added to the pop-up menu. This option currently only allows the reader to log how far they are in the book right now.

Instead, we could have "Reader's Journey" (trademark pending). This option would show when the book is added to any list. Without leaving the popup reader's can update how far they are in the book as well as add notes or a quote they like.
On the Journey page for the book readers can see all updates to reading progress and notes in chronological order.

An example:

Your Journey


  • Book finished
  • What a ride, this book will def stay with me. I should thank seb for the recommendation


  • 85% read


  • 74% read
  • phew, I really thought she would die, glad she didn't!
  • Quote: "Sometimes time comes timely, time and time again" - Deandril Jones p. 245


  • 30% read
  • Oh no! Not her.... can't stop reading now!


  • Not bad, nice pacing and character arcs so far.


  • Started reading
  • Recommended by Seb to me.. He says I'll love the book, let's see...
What's next in a series
Under Consideration

A while ago I built to help me keep track of what series I was interested in or in the middle of. It's pretty tied to goodreads, and their API is rotting.

I would love to be able to see a view of all my series, based on books I've read or want to read. This would let me easily figure out what to read next.