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What could we do to make Hardcover better?
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What could we do to make Hardcover better?
Not interested status

add a not interested selection so that books we have no interest in reading do not continuously show in recommendations. Hopefully that would help make recommendations better as well?

Notifications when read books are made into movies/TV

Get notifications if a book one has enjoyed is turned into a movie or TV series.

Show my star rating if I read a book

When looking at a list I made, I see the average star rating, not mine like on other views.

Also for any book, the ratings bar chart highlights the average score, but if I read it it would be nice to see my rating in that chart too. Originally i thought the gold bar was my rating, but I see that it's the average. Maybe having another color to differentiate your star rating vs avg star rating could help!

Book Giveaways

This feature would allow authors and publishers to host giveaways for their books on Hardcover, enabling us to enter for a chance to win copies. It would enhance user engagement and help promote new and upcoming books effectively! ⭐ Key functionalities could include countries where a book is available for giveaway, duration of the giveaway, the number of copies available, etc. :)

Allow librarians to leave important notes on books

As the title says. There might be important notices that a reader would like to be informed of about a book. Notes could be about publication, official book title not being available, giveaway info, future reprints, or any other update from the author/publisher on that particular work. This should be applied when necessary, though. It seems messy if a librarian's note appears in the description box itself. Just my thoughts! 😁

Allow librarians to force-mark books as unreleased

It would be quite helpful to everyone (following a book series or not) if Hardcover Librarians are also able to mark an unpublished book "unreleased" without needing to provide a tentative release date.

I noticed that the gray tag, "unreleased," only appears beside the title when there's a given tentative date. It's an informative little feature that I appreciate very much! However, there are cases in which future works are already added to Hardcover database despite having no official release date yet; this is likely due to prior announcements made by authors/publishers, thus readers ended up putting their books waaay ahead of time.

If librarians can easily mark a book unreleased without an accurate date, perhaps the resulting notice would go like "Publication TBA"? Or something else. Whatever works for the devs, of course. I think it would clear up any confusion! 😄

Sort books by custom order

A feature to create custom book sorting would be helpful for personalized organization. It would allow users to prioritize books based on their own reading preferences, genres, or other criteria.

Book List Randomizer/Shuffler

Button that randomly selects a book from a list of your choice as a your next read

Back button after finishing editing

After editing anything (series, book, author), you stay in the same position on the site. Your way back to the previous site is to:

  1. Scroll to the top of the page to click on "Back to ..." which takes you back to the previous site, but I've encountered a situation where the position stayed at the bottom of the page nonetheless.
  2. Click the "Cancel" button which suggests"dismissing/reverting" the change already made.

I see possible solutions:

  1. Make the "Update" button turn into "Back (to previous page/author/book)"
  2. Automatically redirecting the user back to the previous page after they hit the "Update" button.
  3. After they hit the "Update" button, their position on the site goes up and they can click the "Back to..." button themselves if they want to stop editing.
Creating a series on authors's page

Rather than creating the series in the "edit book", I would prefer creating a series on the author's page. It would be much easier to make and I would see right away if there are any missing books in the series or duplicates.

Set reading goals for different formats

Add the ability to select what format (ebook/audiobook/physical) user wants their reading goal to count for. For example I want to read 10 ebooks this year vs I want to listen to 10 audiobooks this year.

Re-Review Book

I think users ought to be able to re-review books on subsequent re-reads. I’m sure we’ve all re-read a book before and changed our opinion on it, and it would be good to have this reflected in our review history on Hardcover.

(This is the way reviews are done on Letterboxd.)

abilty to see what books went towards a goal

I would love to be able to click on a set goal and see what books have already been added towards that goal (based on read dates or genre, etc.). Currently, I have my reading goal set to 12 books, and I've read 6 books towards that goal, but it's showing 7 books on my goal bar, and I'm not sure which book I've recently added to my library that accidentally got added towards my goal.

Move checked lists to top of list view

Not sure if this is the same as 'Ability to Reorder Lists' or not.

In the status [Want to read, read, did not finish] drop down window, when you select 'Add to Lists' and then see your list of lists, could you put the lists already checked at the top of this list of lists please?

I have lists for my TBRs to tell me which library system and format I can get the book in [audio-austin, ebook-atlanta]. When I finish a book I want to quickly find these already checked lists and clear them.

But right now I have to scroll thru the entire list of list to find the ones I want to clear.

Review counter on a user's page

Would be nice to see the total number of user's reviews somewhere. Maybe on "reviews" page? Maybe on the main profile page?


New to Hardcover and so far really enjoying the app. One item I would like is the ability to add a note. Part of how I want to use the app is to keep track of which books in a series I own and if they are used or the format paper back/hard cover. My goal is to replace used books with new when I find them on sale. A notes section would be helpful. Adding additional information like format would also be a nice addition.

Want to read list

Currently the want to read list is showing the books i own (which i have not read)

Could this be updated so that 'want to read' = books you have not purchased or borrowed? Keeping the lists separate rather than being merged?

Books read by calendar month

Show books read by calendar month (monthly view) either for the duration of the read (days spent reading the book) or to show on which day a book has been finished

Faster/more easily accessible progress update/log

Changing progress is the most common thing I do on Goodreads, and you can do it straight from their homepage on a PC. Having easier, quicker access to this is really important, as it is one of the most frequent uses of the site for many people probably. Adding a 'log' button at the top or something like this is one possible solution, or just showing your 'currently reading' books on the home page.

Light theme

Please give the option for a light background and dark font. Not everyone likes the dark theme.

Recommend Book To A Friend

There’s been so many times when using book apps that I’ve wished I could click a button to select one of my friends to recommend a book to. Like, I finish a new favorite and on its page I want to be able to send the book to friend, and then they get a notification/post on their feed that I’ve recommended them a book. Bonus for being able to include a message to them about it.

Font size

I’ll be honest - I love the app, but the fact that I can’t change the font size is a big deal to me. It is just too big! If there would have been a feature to make the font smaller, I would definitely love that.

Anonymous Books

a way to be able to track any number of "anonymous books" on a given profile, each with different page counts (and maybe even additional fields) that could count towards personal goals for that account, but not be visible anywhere else in the system?

Referencing conversations about fan fiction, beta and alpha reads, etc. A way to be able to log books that are not published/official.

Attached a pic of a beta read option on GR, and here's a link to an arc and beta read "book" with various authors that might be relevant to what we would want to do:

Problem with back button and search result

I was searching for Doctor Sleep and the first result that appeared was Secret Garden.
I clicked on Secret Garden to check the book details but when I clicked on the back button to return to the search results, it didn’t work. It just brought me to the home page.

I am using the IOS app

Prevent updates to progress sliders when scrolling

Sometimes users on mobile will unintentionally tap on the progress slider while scrolling passed/over books they are currently reading, particularly when holding devices with the right hand.

Sort of jarring to come back to the currently reading books only to realize that a book needs to be put back at the correct progress (which may not be as readily available).