Re-reads showing more than once in library
Under Consideration
Sarah Young

It would be nice if re-reads appeared in your library chronologically for every date read. I believe it just shows the book where the most recent date of reading was, but not any of the earlier dates.

This was very confusing for me when I was importing data, as I kept thinking my books weren’t imported because they weren’t in the date range I thought they should be.

It’s also confusing because from what I can tell the rereads do count towards your total books read (not 100% on this) but if they only appear once, it makes it seem like the rereads are not counted.

Adam Fortuna
Jan 5, 2024
Set the status to
Under Consideration
Adam Fortuna
Jan 5, 2024

This is an interesting one! You're right - your Read Books list shows books in a status of read. In lists we have the option to show first date and last date you read it, but it won't show the book mutliple times.

Maybe what would be more accurate is more of a "Reading Log", that shows every read through, rather than a list of read books?