One off donations
Under Consideration
May 18, 2024
Just recently heard of Hardcover from a youtube video and I like what you guys are doing here.
My suggestion is simple. Add a one off donation option rather then the only support method being a monthly subscription.
I would like to support this project but I will be honest I am burnt out on subscriptions for everything.
An alternative (which I would prefer): multi-year Supporter. I mean like a 4 or 5 years (at once and non-recurring) option for Supporter. I don't want to do it yearly (just like Shane says) but I do prefer a feeling of clearly defined long term involvment, which a one-time donation does not convey. Also, from a marketing and psychological POV, most people prefer to "buy" smth. rather than "give away money", even if the end result is the same - so statistically this would probably be used more than a donation option. Might also be easier to implement, since you already have the Supporter mechanism.
I get it. I'm hesitant to agree to a subscription as well.
For this donation, I'm curious if you mean a donation (no strings) or a one-time purchase of a Supporter Account (lifetime account)?
Hardcover Team I’m not the op, but I wouldn’t mind one-off donating in addition to subscriptions or even subscription tiers that don’t get you anything (you’re just pitching more in because you have the means.) It would be similar to having a Patreon and a "buy me a coffee."
I think if you have multiple donation tiers they should be just that though, donation tiers. There shouldn’t be any delineation between the currently existing supporters and optional higher donating tiers.
Catherine Also, maybe you could sell merch? Bookmarks, stickers, and journals might do well with this crowd.