Need to be able to sort genre, tags, mood alphabetically
Simons Mith
Nov 19, 2024

There must be hundreds of entries on each of these lists. How are you supposed to find, say, Roleplaying Games, for example, if it's there? It might be, and I'd use it if it is, but I'm not scrolling through page after page to find it.

Simons Mith
Nov 22, 2024

And another thing for alphabetical sorting - When you have less than a dozen entries in a list (any list - books, author, genres, don't care, ANYTHING) you're fine. When you have a couple of dozen, being able to split into A-M, N-Z becomes useful. When you have 1000s of whatevers, individual letters become useful, and eventually vital. Especially as you don't have REVERSE sort.

Simons Mith
Nov 20, 2024

I should add, I appreciate the lists have a 'long tail' - hundreds of categories which have only been applied to a handful of titles. So only sort the top 500 or something, and provide a separate filter for the oddments