Buddy Reads/Book Clubs
Sep 26, 2024
I view this as different than discussions in that it would largely only be viewable by those you invite.
By setting the edition and tracking progress of a read and having that same progress tied to any comments made, comments that other users make would be marked as spoilers until your progress hits their same percentage.
I know this was some months ago, but I'm begging please on this as well.
I'm a member of a Goodreads book group that is actively looking for a new site other than Goodreads and having a lot of problems finding any viable options.
This would be different from just Discussions connected to a book or a buddy read. There are nominations and polls for monthly reads, multiple discussion threads on the books as we read them, multiple books a month (2 different genres plus a series read), as well as just general discussion threads not necessarily related to any specific books.
This sounds like how we were planning our discussions, just within a private group. I think we could use the same functionality, since general discussions also only show up until the point you're read.
Sharing our discussions prototype here for reference: https://www.figma.com/proto/HOFBvDZTIlO459eLVYBDMs/App-%26-Web-Designs?page-id=5286%3A13738&node-id=5330-15063&node-type=frame&viewport=567%2C450%2C0.2&t=YovrWCxOZ22ChJtJ-1&scaling=min-zoom&content-scaling=fixed (pass: jules)
Ste it’s definitely very similar to Discussions and I imagine would use a lot of the same backend. The way I picture it is the discussion would be invite-only like you mention and also be time-locked. Or at least have the ability to close it out. TSG you can set it to close whenever everyone finishes the book or by date. That way you can more easily see active ones.
Pretty please