Anonymous Books
Won't work on

a way to be able to track any number of "anonymous books" on a given profile, each with different page counts (and maybe even additional fields) that could count towards personal goals for that account, but not be visible anywhere else in the system?

Referencing conversations about fan fiction, beta and alpha reads, etc. A way to be able to log books that are not published/official.

Attached a pic of a beta read option on GR, and here's a link to an arc and beta read "book" with various authors that might be relevant to what we would want to do: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/43525544-advanced-reader-copies-beta-reads?ref=rae_0

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Hardcover Team
Jul 30, 2024
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Won't work on

I'm leaning away from this one. One of the main concepts for having a "Book" on Hardcover is that all activity by all users is traceable back to that book. This would create islands of book data that's unrelated to those books.

We do allow you to create new books on Hardcover and to track privately. That combination allows you to be anonymous to other users for any book.