Add Format Option

Mar 2, 2024
It would be nice to be able to have a pull down to choose format within each book edition. I almost exclusively listen to audiobooks now, and I know a lot of other people eead e-books and others favor actual books.
Added under "Dates Read" -> "Add New Read".
I'd be curious where you'd want this option? Would this be a filter on the Edition page ( https://hardcover.app/books/dune/editions ), that would filter the editions of that book to only those in a specific format?
Adam Fortuna I’m honestly not sure. It’s just feels very counterintuitive to have the audiobook option buried under dates read. I normally don’t even go that far in depth. I usually select currently reading, and then completed when I finish.
It would be nice to have it somewhere on the pulldown when you are selecting those options. It seems to me like it should go near genres, mood and tags, so we can select it when we start reading an ebook or listening to an audiobook without clicking several other places.
Adam Fortuna I think a filter in the editions page would be great