Add age ranges
Under Consideration
ETA July 2022
Marilyn Torres

Add ability for users to click on age ranges and trigger warnings from a predetermined tag list when they review books. If enough users suggest an age range tag or trigger warning, it can be applied to a book page. (e.g., Ages 4-6, Ages 8-12, YA 12+, Adult 18+, Adult Situations, Sex, Violence, etc.)

Users can then click on a tag and be taken to a book page/list within that age range to make book vetting/recommendations easier for teachers, families, and book clubs.

Note: This issue originally was for age ranges & content warnings. Content warnings are now added.

Adam Fortuna
Jul 6, 2022
Set the status to
Under Consideration

We've added content warnings to all books with the ability to filter your lists by them. We don't have a concept of "age ranges yet though. I moved this one back to Under Consideration for the remaining age range part.

Adam Fortuna
Jun 19, 2022
Set the status to
In progress

We're working on the first version of this with content warning options for books. That won't yet have age ranges yet.

Adam Fortuna
Mar 28, 2022
Set the status to
Under Consideration